Summer Intensive Courses 2017

Running from 24th July - 11th August

We have a range of courses available for your child’s 11+ preparations running over the Summer Holidays.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: English and Maths  (Suitable for Grammar Schools and Independent Schools)

These sessions are designed for students who are preparing to sit either Sutton and Tiffin 11+ exams, or Independent School Entrance Exams. Our courses will look at key areas on the papers and provide your child with exam technique.

Thursday, Friday: Verbal, Non Verbal  (Independent School Entrance Exams)

Verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests are used by many of the local independent school as part of their entrance tests. These days are designed to familiarise your child with these tests and provide them with some techniques to improve their results.

Our courses are located in Raynes Park or New Malden and taught by our dedicated professional teachers.


All of our class sizes are a maximum of 6.

You can book by the day, or week. Discounts are available


Contact Emma for more details.


Telephone: 07510926059 or email:

KS1 and KS2 Tutoring

The Programmes

Girls learning

Week 1

24th July – 26th July English and Maths

Time 9.30 – 1.30

Location Raynes Park


27th 29th July: Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning

Time 9.30 – 1.30

Location: Raynes Park

KS1 and KS2 tutoring

Week 2: 31st – 4th August

Group tutoring

31st – 2nd  August: English and Maths

Location: Raynes Park


3rd – 4th  August : Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning.

Location: Raynes Park


Week 3: 7th – 11th August

7th- 9th August: English and Maths

Location: New Malden



Tutoring philosophy
Tutoring in Raynes Park

10th – 11th  August: Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning

Time: 9.30 – 1.30

Location: New Malden